Tuesday, October 9, 2007

stormchaser (shakespeare project)

This one is for Katharina from The Taming of the Shrew.


Woman is a hurricane.
Tearing boards off windows and shattering glass.
Flinging picture frames across the room
ruining your sister's pillbox hat
the one she thought mader her look like Jackie O.
The one she thought made her look glamorous.
O senator's wife.
O daddy's favorite.
O linear Minerva.

Woman is a tornado.
batten the hatches, wait for the eye that never comes.
I don't blink
as I make ghosts of them.
I try not to notice
as you chase me in your Jeep
laughing into the wind and flying cows.

Woman is a flurry.
Even though she was predicted to become the blizzard of the century.
The children still have to go to school
and the weatherman smiles as the camera flicks
back to the anchorwoman.
She files her nails under the table, but she will be home by eight
to make hot cereal for Peter.

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