Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8/26/07-Pogo Stick (song lyrics, let's say)

Pogo Stick

Would you encourage me to bring my toothbrush to your house?
Would I keep it in the bathroom near the sink
where it could fall into the toilet at any given time?

Oh gravity, your laws are giving me the blues
because I’ve been thrown up so far into the air
I can taste the clouds.
I’ll wait for the moment when I come down
I’ll learn some patience one of these days.

Would you pitch your mattress and find another big enough for two?
That way, we can sleep all day
or at least until we get hungry for tomato soup.
I’d make you a grilled cheese, babe, if you wanted me to.

Oh gravity your laws are waking me up
the alarm is ringing until I come out of another dream
where you and I are astronauts
on the moon no one can hear you scream
because you never need to.

Would you rescue me from a day of watching posters fall off walls?
of trying on clothes and eating too much.
Would you pull me out of the well
once I’ve chosen that as my landing.

Oh gravity I wonder what it would be like if I kept falling up
if I changed my legs to pogo sticks
and kept refilling my glass until I was drunk on positive thinking.
I wonder if I rearranged the letters of our names
so it was spelled the same
so it was spelled the same
both up and down.

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