Thursday, April 3, 2008


3. Slang. a tiresomely disagreeable person.

example: "Quit being such a pill, Jordan."
-me, a cold Sunday in late February, 2008.



I was your housewife shuffling through a Vicodin binge
yawning as she sauteed the mushrooms and peppers
and stirred the sighing pile of noodles.

(pop this pill, Mrs. Lonely, and your life will be
just like a movie.)
(I want my life to be
just like a movie.)

You were as white as asprin, unassuming.
You made my blood thin as a first communion veil
and I became transparent, every detail of my pulse revealed.
So when I came near you
a prick of a brooch pin could have made me bloom
a shocking, clumsy stain
enough to make the locker room girls blush.

You were a cornfield raver.
and she raced through your brain on a purple bicycle.
I tried to cut holes in her tires, but she had already
made enough neon paths to spell our her name:
Just as certain you would remember
as quickly as a hit of her blue and pink and green
catalyzed your brain into
yards of burning photographs
it was easy
it seemed so easy.

I tried to be your penicillin
your cure-all girl with yellow bruises on her wrists
but you shot up like a shell-shocked 'Nam vet.
The green in my eyes reminded you too much of the jungle
and how you wanted to lie buried as the forest floor
yielded to your body
punctured by organic poison.

Ever the homemaker, I lay twitching on the cold bathroom tiles
as the teapot screams in the kitchen.

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