Wednesday, September 12, 2007

lazy mirror- started 9/10, finished 9/11

Lazy Mirror

I always pictured Snow White as a quiet-footed Asian girl
a red-eyed Cadburry bunny sniffing through the clover
looking for some pretty new pill.
Some geisha ditz, a thing to dress up
a thing to fling into the air and watch her light up.
A girl born small enough to fit in your pocket
a sexy preemie pretty as a lemon drop.
A ginseng tablet to help you remember
when you’ve grown old.

I always pictured the nameless evil queen
white and white and white.
A bastard child of assimilation
raped of her Persian jars and Mexican blankets.
A ball-squeezing power suit fixing her face at the bus stop
some rich bitch, cunningly smiling during her dagger heel commute.
A real contender
in a corporate beauty contest.
Oh you were born to be a stepmother,
you were born to be Freud’s voodoo doll.

Mirror, you saw me
drawing on myself that cold day in May
from your glass box you watched the Venus flytraps grow out of my ears.
and you said:
the fairest witch that ever walked the earth
but the princess will always get the job.
You’re no bouncing blonde secretary.
Though your awareness is ravishing,
you’re no blow up doll.”

I should have poisoned you, I guess.
I should have found you another prince that would keep your belly tight.
I know just the one, in fact.
But I’m a lazy dame.
My idea of revenge is dozing in a green tower biting black licorice.
Your beauty doesn’t concern me.

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